Kelsey MacDonald

"My Path With Heart"

Reflection EDUC 490 Practicum

To say that I have immensely enjoyed my EDUC 490 practicum would be an understatement. In one word, it was GREAT!

Right from the onset, I connected well with my coaching teacher, my practicum evaluator, and all my students. Relationship building is so important when entering the schools as a teacher candidate. I ensured I connected deeply with those around me, sharing who I was, my goals and purpose, and my desired journey as a future teacher – what I call “my path with heart.” In all of my lessons, I embedded the First Peoples Principles of Learning (FPPL) where all students were given the opportunity to share and explore their own stories, things, places, events, and experiences that happen in their everyday lives through learning about their identity, and how identity connects us to our history, our culture, and our traditions. Students connected and collaborated across cultures which broadens our understanding of ourselves and those around us. Students were always given the opportunity to reflect and think about what was going on with them and the world around them. The First Peoples Principles is extremely valuable in encouraging students to focus on their connections with families, communities, peoples, land, and places.

When it comes to receiving feedback, I am like a sponge that absorbs water. I appreciate and rely heavily on constructive feedback from my peers, coaching teacher, practicum evaluator, and anyone else who is willing to help me along my learning pathway. With absolute certainty, I would not know what I know if it wasn’t for the valuable feedback that I have so graciously received along this journey. Perhaps my biggest learning in this practicum was to enhance my lesson plans; in particular how to make them more succinct and how to really focus on the big idea(s) and relating that big idea(s) back to the essential/guiding question(s).  I knew this from the course work, however putting it into practice makes it so much more relevant and easy to do. I am also gaining a much greater appreciation of focusing on the end goal(s) of learning, really making use of the backward design in my lesson plans. Similar to enhancing my lessons plans, I was able to do a deeper dive into the closure aspect of my lessons, realizing that this is such an important component for students. I also payed special attention to my timing and pacing of my lessons, ensuring I kept on track. Keeping on track can be challenging when a person has so much FUN!!

I really took advantage of this practicum to have students explore and appreciate who they are, what they bring in this world, and how important communities are in supporting their growth. In my lessons, I gave ample opportunities for student to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives on how the world around gives us such rich opportunities to be ourselves, to celebrate ourselves, and to grow ourselves. I focused my lessons on activating the students’ curiosity and creativity, allowing their minds to think outside the box in an imaginative state of self-discovery. I found this very effective in students getting to know themselves, each other, and myself. For this, we built a special bond that garnished their trust and respect.

I look forward to EDUC 491 practicum where I will continue to incorporate the valuable feedback received, ensuring that I continuously grow and develop in my lifelong journey as an inspired teacher. My next steps moving forward to EDUC 491 practicum is to be mindful of my pacing within my lessons, having a simple introduction and a strong closure to my lessons. I look forward to the many new experiences and memories I am going to have next practicum.

Thank you all for this learning opportunity – I will forever be grateful


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